Search Engine Optimization, Social Media, Google Page Speed, Google Mobile Friendly, Online Marketing

We take care of your search engine optimized website, both technically and in terms of content. We also provide support and advice on search engine advertising and social media.

SEO and Marketing - Overview of services

The topic of online marketing is becoming increasingly important for many companies. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and Search Engine Advertising (SEA), the possibilities of social media and user tracking offer nowadays a variety of opportunities and applications for companies. Bringing business models online, acquiring new customers and increasing sales - in order to make the most of the possibilities of the internet, companies should seek support from experts. For many people in charge, the first question is: Which digital sales channels do I want to use and which concrete measures offer the best return on investment in my individual case? Our experts can support you in all questions of online marketing. After all, what counts in the end is what comes out at the bottom line: more sales of your product, more prospective and new customers - and ultimately an increase in monetary sales. Let us advise you now without any obligation for your next successful project!

The opportunities of online marketing are more tempting than ever. Companies have a number of advertising opportunities available on the internet to use the worldwide network to acquire new customers and sell their goods. However, if you are not careful, you will quickly be confused by the many different options and may well use digital channels that are unsuitable for your own goals. Incorrectly defined target groups and the associated wastage do the rest. Companies can quickly burn money through misdirected online marketing. In addition, technical errors on websites often go unnoticed - for example during relaunch or other structural adjustments. If these errors remain undetected, they can have a negative impact on company profits. For this reason, those responsible in companies should take advantage of the opportunities offered by online marketing right from the start by seeking advice from experienced experts. In this way, mistakes can be avoided right from the start. We advise and support you in online marketing to ensure the success of your project by working in a fundamentally target-oriented, number-based and performance-oriented manner - always in close consultation with you.

Overview: our SEO and marketing services

  •     Search engine optimisation (SEO)
  •     Placement of target group-specific advertisements in search engines (SEA)
  •     Management of your social media channels
  •     Placement of ads in social networks
  •     Production and management of website content (content management)
  •     Tracking of your target groups with a comprehensible reporting
  •     Support for your website relaunch

Do it yourself or would you rather have your online marketing supervised by an expert?

Have you already taken the first steps towards digitalisation or are you looking for the right way to make your company visible online? Would you like to establish a new digital distribution channel and increase your online turnover? Certainly there are many measures that experienced managers in the company can take themselves. But the digital world is now highly complex. Those who do not optimise their strategy may leave potential sales behind or burn money with online marketing measures that are not very effective. In the worst case, warnings and fines for copyright or data protection violations are also possible. Companies that set themselves ambitious goals should therefore seek advice from experts in order to establish or optimise their digital presence. We make target-oriented and number-based online marketing understandable for you and do not bore you with technical jargon. We pick you up at eye level for decision-making - to achieve your individual goals: more prospects and customers, increasing sales and higher turnover.

SEO and marketing - an overview of our packages

With our online marketing services we can respond to your individual wishes and ideas. In order to offer you the most effective and efficient range of services possible, we have put together our proven measures into "packages". The respective service packages are available in the sizes S - M - L - XL and can of course be individually adapted and combined. In the end, what counts for us is always to achieve the optimum result for you - both in terms of leads (initiating contact with interested parties and new customers), conversions (conversions - for example from reader to buyer) and ultimately, of course, increased sales. We will be happy to advise you individually and without obligation on your appropriate service package.

Search engine optimisation (SEO)" package

The term SEO is a permanent fixture in online marketing and is still on everyone's lips. This is because organic search engine traffic is one of the most sustainable ways to generate a continuous influx of interested parties and potential buyers. The basis of SEO measures is high-quality and valuable content, with which rankings (placements) can be built up in search engines such as Google, Bing and Co. that continually bring interested visitors to your website. Existing content can be analysed and optimised with our help. The advantage of this approach is that once the content has established itself in the search engine, the organic influx of visitors is practically free of charge and will constantly bring potential new interested parties and buyers to your company. In addition, we would be happy to show you various options for extending your high-quality content and contributions via social media channels and reaching even more users.

However, search engine optimisation is a long-term project and requires continuous work. SEO has a technical dimension in addition to the content. This is especially important when technical errors limit the visibility of your website or subpages without being noticed in time. In the worst case scenario, sales losses are possible here, while your potential customers have long since started looking around at your competitors. With the help of our experts such mistakes can easily be avoided. A conscientious and professional SEO support is the basis of many web projects, with the help of which the basis for various further measures such as the placement of online advertising is created.

Aims of the measures: Leads - conversions - turnover.

Cost-per-click (CPC) package

Cost-per-click is a billing method for the placement of online advertising. The advertisement is played to a user. If the interested party clicks on the advertisement, costs are incurred by the advertiser - and of course there is a chance that the interested party will also buy something and become a customer. The average of these costs per click is the CPC. Symbolically, the term stands for our package of paid advertising. The advertising possibilities on the Internet are now almost endless and for laypersons hardly comprehensible. Online ads can be placed on Google Ads, Google Shopping, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, as display banners and in many other advertising networks such as Outbrain or Taboola. In addition to the ads, remarketing measures should always be used to discreetly draw the attention of potential customers to a product until they buy it.

Nowadays, companies can make mistakes when designing advertising and remarketing campaigns, and can burn a lot of money with advertisements that are not optimally placed. You should therefore be sure to consult an expert when planning and implementing your online advertising measures. Because targeted investment in online advertising can be worthwhile: Our goal is to earn significantly more than one euro for you with every euro you invest in a campaign. The budget invested is therefore not gone, but serves as an investment measure to earn significantly more money in the end than is spent. To control your campaign, we use the usual accounting methods such as CPL (costs per contact initiation), CPO (costs per purchase) and ROAS (profit in relation to the advertising budget). With the help of our many years of experience, we can avoid wastage and constantly adjust your campaigns to achieve optimum results for you as quickly as possible. Of course, this also applies to the high-turnover season in late autumn - for example, before Black Friday or the shopping peak before Christmas.

Prospective and potential customers usually need a certain amount of time and several touch points before they access a product. With our targeted advertising, we address your potential buyers via numerous touch points in order to guide them discreetly through the buying process. The "CPC" package is therefore ideal for achieving short-term increases in user numbers and purchases. Online advertising develops its full potential best in combination with a well thought-out search engine optimisation of your website.

Objectives of the measures: Leads - conversions - turnover.

Social Media Management package

Social media management has become one of the most popular topics in recent years. Presence on the most important channels such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter has become indispensable for many companies - which is understandable considering the possibilities of these platforms. Our experts will be happy to advise you which social media channels are particularly important for your company and set up the corresponding accounts for you. We then take over the support and take care of postings, answer comments professionally and get involved in forums entirely in your interest. In this way, clever brand management can greatly increase the reach of your brand. And even if negative comments and heated discussions should occur on your company site, our trained and experienced staff can react professionally. The manifold possibilities of social media are also confronted with some pitfalls that must be avoided. Let us take over your social media marketing and benefit from our professional support.

In this context, we would also be happy to take over the management of your Google MyBusiness profile. The box in the Google search, which at first glance may seem inconspicuous, is highly appreciated by users because of the trenchant information - you can use it as a business card in the Google search and in Google Maps. We support you in using this figurehead as efficiently as possible. Booking services, responding to reviews, interacting with new customers and informing potential buyers about the latest news - with our help you can make the most of this rather inconspicuous but powerful tool.

Aims of the measures: Reach, direct customer contact and brand management.

"Content Management" package

Valuable and high-quality content is the be-all and end-all of any successful website. Only those who communicate their messages clearly and inform interested parties and customers authentically and truthfully will inspire them to buy their products. But the creation of good content is often done in-house by someone who is known to be "quite good at writing". Writing texts, editing images and maintaining the website can not only be a pain in the neck - if these tasks fall into the wrong hands, the person who does them often unconsciously works continuously towards his online success. Let us take over your content management as experts. This includes the production of new content

as well as the optimisation of existing content. We employ fully qualified, trained online editors with extensive SEO expertise to ensure the success of your project. We create informative content and exciting articles for you, which inform, enthrall and inspire interested parties and future customers. We can help you in many specialist areas - our experienced experts are also familiar with sensitive topics such as law, medicine or health. We leave nothing to chance when it comes to the quality of the content: Every contribution undergoes a strict internal audit. And before it is published, it is of course approved by you. Search engines can already distinguish between high-quality premium content and mediocre contributions. With our "Content Management" package, you can be sure that you are always one step ahead of the competition with high-quality content.

Goals of the measures: rousing, high-performance content for customer loyalty.

Target Group Tracking

User tracking is an essential component of a digital advertising strategy. Because only those who really know their target groups will be successful with online advertising measures in the long term. However, companies should be on their guard, because the topic is burning hot: basic data protection regulations, ECJ rulings and new laws for the protection of privacy make it difficult to handle the data obtained. You should therefore leave this topic in the hands of experts who will support you in the responsible and legally compliant implementation, execution and evaluation of target group tracking. Because Google Analytics, Tag Manager, Facebook Pixel, Facebook Business Manager and Co. still offer you countless possibilities to get to know your target group better. You should not ignore these opportunities. However, it is important to always consider the data protection aspects: Today, the storage of personal data, the creation of profiles and the application of cookie rules require comprehensive background knowledge. After all, violations of the regulations can result in severe penalties. We therefore support you in legally compliant implementation and legally clean formulations, which allow you to use target group tracking even today. Naturally, you will receive monthly reports that we use to evaluate the achievement of the desired goals.

Objectives of the measures: Profiling and tracking as a basis for decision-making for all online marketing measures.

Support for relaunches

From time to time a website needs a general overhaul - the structures have to be adapted and an attractive design should give the site a new look. A relaunch pays off in many ways, but from an SEO point of view it is always a critical moment. After all, when a website is relaunched, what has naturally grown over time is changed - and in simple terms, this entails the risk that search engines will not find the old content where they expect it to be. For the website, this can mean that the number of visitors drops, laboriously compiled rankings in search engines are lost and potential customers and buyers end up with competitors. This is also known as the infamous relaunch kink. To avoid losses as far as possible, you should make use of our expertise. Because only with experienced advice, detailed planning and controlled implementation can heavy traffic losses be avoided. This way your website can directly build on the old successes without having to struggle to regain rankings. Use our expertise and experience to take your website to the next level!

Goals of the measures: more customers and more sales with the help of an improved website.

Everything begins with the initial analysis

How do we get together? Ideally, we start with an individual and non-binding consultation in which we put together the right package for your needs and goals in a transparent and understandable way. Afterwards, you can get started: In our initial analysis, we determine the status quo by looking at the previous performance of your website, online advertising campaigns and, if applicable, social media channels, conducting a competitive analysis and, in dialogue with you, developing a strategy that will deliver the goals and results you desire as quickly and reliably as possible.

Objectives of the measures: Determining the status quo and finding the optimal strategy.

A good rank of your web-site in the search engines in combination with just the right keywords is an enormous advantage in competition. That is why whenever we build web-sites we keep the search engines in mind all the time. But search engine optimization means much more than just the technical conditions. It is also very important to write texts in a way so that people who are searching for specific keywords can easily find them in your content. Therefore we got a proven expert here for you, who also knows how to handle all relevant aspects of SEO within the Content Management System TYPO3, which we normally choose for all our web-site projects.

One step further goes the optimization of your content for the social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr and others. Many million people spend more time on these platforms as they are watching television. That means it makes much sense to think about presenting your content there too and take the opportunity to communicate with your customers as you were never able to before. To do all this successfully involves some consulting and working out a clear strategy. Therefore we got also an expert for Social Media available for you.

Search Engine Optimization and Social Media Optimization are essential aspects of today’s online marketing mixture. Also "classic" ways of online advertisements such as well done text and image ads on the right portals can add to the overall success of your marketing activities.

If you want to know how you can make use of all this for your business, get in touch with us.

SEO = Search Engine Optimization
SEA = Search Engine Advertising (base on Google Ads most of the time)
SMO = Social Media Optimization


  • Consulting
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Search engine advertising (SEA)
  • Social media optimization (SMO)
  • Success monitoring (tracking, Systrix, Semrush, ...)
  • Use of AI tools
  • Text creation

Some of our happy clients