28. April 2017

TYPO3 8 LTS - Miles ahead

On 04.04.2017 TYPO3 Version 8 LTS saw the light of the world. As a successor of version 7 this one will also several years of security and stability updates (LTS = Long Term Support). The huge innovation power, that started with version 7 through the new organisational structure behind TYPO3, stayed  strong with version 8. Just to name some of the highlights of the new features, there is a brand new rich text editor, comfortable frontend editing, a completely new form creation framework, performance increases by the use of php 7.1, a Smartphone capable CMS Backend, even further improved image manipulation functionality, and much more.. . Here you can read more about all the new functionality. We have migrated our site to TYPO3 CMS 8 LTS already, when can we your update?
If interested in an update to make use the new improved backend interface, you can contact us at any time.

Some of our happy clients